The RSA and Leidos partnership brings together the best in cybersecurity weaponry and talent to help organizations continue their journey towards becoming proactive and protected against the constantly shifting threat world. 'More so than ever before has the need for visibility and in depth understanding as to how adversaries might attack become so important. 'Key to this statement is that organizations are looking at what \might happen" as opposed to how to respond when something does happen. 'What might happen to the business, how do we see this?
We see the organization's risk teams working to create risk models that equate cybersecurity investment in the context of "the business". 'Risk models based on what "if" probabilities due to a technical breakdown are changing.'technical breakdowns where we measure mean times to recover, back up, restore and dwell time must translate to reflect true "business context". 'With the right combination of tools and talent we finally may be at the precipice--Merging cybersecurity and business context. 'Why we are finally reaching this crossroad is because we now have the tools and the knowledge based on visibility we have never had access to before.
In this webinar Leidos and RSA will discuss the evolution of the MSSP and what tomorrow's MSSP must deliver to provide new levels of visibility from looking at the entire network stack to create a proactive defensive program. 'We will discuss use cases on organizations shifting to an MDR model and current practices. 'Also will be discussed what happens when analyst and engineers begin to see from a single view, endpoint, log, packet and network.