We are excited to introduce to you the new SANS Penetration Testing Educational Poster, "Pivots & Payloads Board Game"! It is a poster and a board game. How is it a board game? You can lay it down on a table, cut out the game pieces and game modifiers, use a dice to move your piece around the board...and play with your friends, colleagues, and/or family.
The board game takes you through pen test methodology, tactics, and tools with many possible setbacks that defenders can utilize to hinder forward progress for a pen tester or attacker. The game helps you learn while you play. It's also a great way to showcase to others what pen testers do and how they do it.
We have made the poster/board game available to download, with additional downloads of the cheat sheets, game pieces, and game modifiers. We will add additional content to this blog page as we continue to evolve the board game and improve on it in future versions.
Download PDF of Pivots & Payloads:
Additional Pivots & Payloads:
Desktop Wallpaper
Game Pieces - Print PDF
Cheat Sheets - Print PDF
Pen Test Cheat Sheets:
SANS Pen Test Training:
- SEC504: Hackers Tools, Techniques, Exploits and Incident Handling - foundational information security training
- SEC560: Network Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking - our core penetration testing course
- SEC542: Web App Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking - learn web application penetration testing
SANS Pen Test Posters:
- Blueprint: Building a Better Pen Tester - PDF Download
- White Board of Command Line Kung-Fu - PDF Download
- Pivots & Payloads: Board Game - PDF Download
Build your Skills (Free):
- www.holidayhackchallenge.com - Available 24/7/365 to build your InfoSec skills. Holiday-themed challenges from the makers of SANS NetWars and our Penetration Testing Course.
- http://www.amanhardikar.com/mindmaps/Practice.html - A massive and up-to-date list of places to practice InfoSec skills online
SANS Penetration Testing Webcasts (YouTube):
- How to Give the Best Pen Test of Your Life - presented by SANS Fellow, Ed Skoudis
- Build your Own Home Lab - presented by SANS Instructor, Jeff McJunkin. Jeff walks through a step-by-step process for building your own home lab so that you can develop the skills you need to be a professional penetration tester.
- Blueprint: Building a Better Pen Tester - presented by SANS Fellow, Ed Skoudis. Listen as Ed teaches penetration testing by using the tips on the SANS Pen Test Poster - Blueprint (PDF).
- Physical Security - Everything Wrong With Your Typical Door - presented by Deviant Ollam. This is a great introduction to physical pen testing.
- SANS Penetration Testing YouTube Channel - filled with numerous SANS Webcasts and InfoSec Conference talks given by SANS Penetration Testing Instructors.