Embark on "The Quest to Summit," an enthralling scavenger hunt designed to challenge your skills and knowledge in the ICS cybersecurity realm. This unique adventure for ICS Security Summit registrants is composed of 5 distinct quests, each presenting a series of questions that participants must solve to advance. The journey unfolds as follows:
- Quest 1: Launches on April 10th. Begin your expedition online, utilizing SANS resources to unravel the mysteries posed.
- Quest 2: Opens on April 24th. Continue your online quest, delving deeper into work products from an ICS Industry Leader, searching for answers to the challenges.
- Quest 3: Open on May 8th. Conclude the online portion of The Quest to Summit by mastering the final set of online challenges, using SANS resources to guide you. Quests 1-3 will remain open, but the last two Quests will take place in-person.
- Leaders Announcement: On Friday, May 17, the first round of top winners will be determined and to celebrate their success will receive a coveted Quest to Summit challenge coin. In-Person Summit attendees can claim their coin at the Summit in Orlando next month. Online Summit attendees will have their coin shipped to them. Challenge coin recipients will be contacted via email.
- Bonus Quest: On June 16th, at the ICS Security Summit, participants will engage in an in-person bonus quest at the Contemporary Resort, requiring keen observation and interaction to discover the answers.
- The Final Quest: Unlocks June 17th during the Summit Night Out event at Epcot. This ultimate challenge will test your skills in a real-world setting, pushing you to the limits of your knowledge and resourcefulness.
- Grand Prize Announcement: The grand finale will see the top winners announced on June 18th at 8:30 AM ET in-person at the ICS Summit in Orlando. Prizes are as grand as the quest itself:
- Top prize: a free SANS ICS Security Course, ensuring the winner not only gains recognition but also invaluable knowledge.
- 2nd Place: will receive an ICS Security Jump Bag, filled with items essential for incident response in industrial environments.
- 3rd Place: will be rewarded with a $100 USD Amazon gift card, a token of their remarkable effort and achievement.
Participants should prepare themselves for an intriguing blend of online and in-person challenges, each designed to test their cybersecurity acumen and investigative prowess. Whether navigating the digital realms of SANS resources or exploring the physical landscapes of the ICS Security Summit and its special night event, adventurers will need to be at their best. So, gear up for "The Quest to Summit," where knowledge, curiosity, and perseverance are your keys to victory. This quest is built to be fun and highlight Industry resources as well as SANS resources, and drive interaction with the SANS ICS Instructor core. This is not designed to be a technical CTF.
Here's how to play:
1) You must register for the Summit to gain access to the quest.
2) Once registered, visit your SANS ICS Summit Page here to unlock instructions for how to play.
*You will need to log into your SANS Portal Account to view your Summit Access Page. It can take ~ 5 minutes after registering for the Summit your Access Page to appear in your portal account.