The first-ever SANS New to Cyber Summit was a free, virtual event for the community. Check out these graphic recordings created in real-time throughout the event.
On April 21, thousands from around the globe tuned in for the first-ever SANS New to Cyber Summit. The event brought together leading experts eager to share fundamental cybersecurity skills as well as advice on finding and landing that first security job! It was a great opportunity for those new to the field.
We invited Ashton Rodenhiser of Mind's Eye Creative to create graphic recordings of our Summit presentations. If you missed a talk or are looking to view the SANS New to Cyber Summit through a visual lens, take a look at the recordings below.
In addition to graphic recordings, PDFs of Summit presentations are available on the SANS Summit Archives page (SANS account required) and videos will be posted to YouTube over the next several months.
Networking Basics
James Lyne @jameslyne, CTO, SANS Institute
Introduction to Security Architecture
Ronald Eddings @ronaldeddings, Security Architect, Marqeta, Inc.; Co-Host, Hacker Valley Studio Podcast @TheHackerValley
Keynote - Your Career in Application Security
Tanya Janca @shehackspurple, CEO & Founder, She Hacks Purple
Heroes in a Bash Shell: The Linux Command Line
Timothy Brush @TimothyBrush, Associate Instructor, SANS Institute
Intro to Social Engineering
Jen Fox @J_Fox, Security Program Specialist, Domino's
Getting Started: Your First Two Years in Your Cybersecurity Career
Tameika Reed, Senior Infrastructure Engineer, Expansia; Founder, Women in Linux @WomeninLinux
Job Role Spotlight: Insert $2 For an Offensive Security Career
Ryan O'Horo @redteamwrangler, Manager, Target
How to Get Experience When You Have No Experience
Kevin Garvey, Instructor, SANS MGT512
Frank Kim, Fellow, SANS Institute
Job Role Spotlight: Cyber Threat Intelligence
Amy Bejtlich, Director of Intelligence Analysis, Dragos Inc.
Panel - Hack Your Growth - #LevelUP
Moderator: Mansi Thakar @mansimusa, COO, Womens Society of Cyberjutsu (WSC)
Mary N. Chaney, Esq., The Cyber Security Law Firm Of Texas
Apurv Singh Gautam@ASG_Sc0rpi0n, Student Researcher, Georgia Institute of Technology
Gina Sharp, Cybersecurity Subject Matter Expert
Panel - How Did I Get Here?
Moderator: Delisha Hodo @meticulous_d, Student Advisor, SANS HBCU Outreach & Engagement Coordinator, SANS Institute
Doug Bryant Jr. @cybergent_101, IT Security Analyst, Black Knight; Author, Computer Love: Love Letter & Log Analysis
Jessica Hyde @B1N2H3X, Director, Magnet Forensics
Litany Lineberry, PhD Student
Crystal Phinn, Cybersecurity Undergraduate
*If you registered for the Summit, video recordings are available on your Summit Access page in your SANS Portal.
If you're interested in checking out our other upcoming free SANS community events, be sure to check out our listing here.