Lethal Forensicator Coin Holders

Holders of the Lethal Forensicator Coins are properly trained incident responders or investigators who sometimes represent the only defense an organization has in place during a compromise or a complex digital investigation. These analysts know what they are up against and continually strive to further not only their own knowledge, but also the knowledge of the entire digital forensics field.

Lethal Forensicator Coins are awarded to those who show exceptional talent, make outstanding contributions to the field, or demonstrate leadership in the digital forensics profession and community.

If you are one of the rare students who has been awarded the hard-earned Lethal Forensicator Coin prior to 2025, please use the buttons below to explore previous years' lists.

All 2025 recipients can be found in the tables below.

February 2025

Eric Brosa
Jonathan Daspit
Philippe Dufault
Taylor Fergerson
Erskine Fleming
Brian Glass
Erik Greene
Aytac Guleruhl
Adam Harrison
Greg Kuhl
Peter Littler
Ahmed Mohamed Al Hasel
Chris Nichols
Steven Rorabaugh
Tyler Selby
Burak Yetimoglu

January 2025

Tom Alan (Squires)
Turki Alawad
Lauren Alston
Adam Brin
Steven Buccini
Michael Corlett
Caroline Fenstermacher
Lenaic Goudout
Youssef Hammach
Brody Henley
Felix Herrenschmidt
Jordan Houde
Phuong Huynh
Yuki Inadome
Piers Kontic-Coveney
Yuki Meguro
Ronny Mugiira
Kosuke Ohata
Yoko Ono
Adam Oytaben
Bryan Theriault
Spencer Wermeling
Jeremiah Yang
Keiichiro Yoshida