SANS Institute ( and is committed to assisting all learners with disabilities. SANS will provide reasonable accommodations according to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Accommodations will provide learners with a fair and equal opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skill in the functions being assessed by the academic requirement. To apply for an accommodation, a written request, accompanied by supporting documentation on official letterhead from the student’s healthcare provider that explains the nature of the disability should be submitted two weeks prior to beginning the course. Late requests will be addressed as quickly as possible and to the best of the organization's ability, resources, policies, and standards. All accommodations requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis after careful review of the information submitted. Please note, as each digital and physical learning experience measures different learning objectives, accommodations requests will be evaluated for each learning type.
Students should submit their request in the form below as soon as possible. After the request has been submitted, the SANS customer service team will process the request and provide the student with a secure method of submitting supporting medical documentation for review. Accommodation requests will be coordinated with the appropriate SANS body and delivered to the student.
Also, if you wish to learn more about our Digital Accessibility Policy, Commitment and Statement, please click on this link: