SANS supports the cyber security community through the provision of world-leading training, certification, skills development programmes and through a vast array of free resources.
In addition, we have created a networking group for CISOs and senior security professionals.
Our aim is to help ease the pressure of working as a security decision-maker by providing an environment in which ideas and lessons-learned can be shared amongst a peer group of influencers and thought leaders.
The network is open exclusively to security leaders at the highest level and connects a unique group of professionals who have the appetite and the authority to make a meaningful difference. By sharing ideas and lessons learnt from a wide variety of industries, the SANS CISO Network brings members together to influence our digital future and make the world a safer place.
The SANS CISO Network is led by Professor Ciaran Martin.
CISO Network Platform
Our SANS CISO Network platform, a SANS security checked and trusted site, is available exclusively to SANS CISO Network members only.
The SANS CISO Network platform is an invaluable resource serving as a hub for networking, knowledge sharing and collaboration within the CISO Network community. The platform is built to streamline communication within the community, offer easy access to content that will support the growth of our member's technical and management skills, provide comprehensive tools and highlight trends to enhance an organisation's security posture.
The SANS CISO Network platform offers:
- Exclusive CISO videos and presentations
- Content from our SANS experts
- Opportunities to connect with other CISO Network members
- Event updates
- Resources including surveys and reports, plus much more
SANS CISO Networking Events
- Listen to presentations from SANS Instructors and other global experts
- Take part in closed-door Q&A sessions
- Hear case studies and threat landscape updates from real-world practitioners
- Network with like-minded CISOs
- Address key topics and share knowledge on current challenges that face CISOs today
- Learn about the SANS Institute's initiatives and gain access to SANS Instructors
- Be among the first to receive access to newly created SANS resources
- There will be no third party vendors or sponsors taking part
Upcoming 2025 SANS CISO Network Events
Recent SANS CISO Network Events
Register your interest to join the SANS CISO Network.
The team will review your application and respond within 5 business days.
We welcome applications from leaders who meet the following criteria:
- Active CISOs and Security leaders
- Practicing CISOs prepared to assume leadership roles within the next 9 months
- CISOs at organisations with a minimum of 250 employees
Criteria not considered:
- Individuals in customer-facing roles for organisations offering or providing commercial security/IT services or products
- Representatives of publishers, researchers, or trade associations.