The most trusted source for cyber security training, certification and research.

Learn more about SANS training courses, GIAC Certifications, workforce development and the latest SANS news in the Middle East, Africa & Turkey.

Discover the Upcoming Cyber Security Training Events in the Middle East, Turkey & Africa

SANS offers the most cutting-edge cyber security training all year long, in all different states. Find the training you would like to take at a time and location that works best for you.

Meet Ned Baltagi

Ned Baltagi is the Managing Director for the Middle East, Turkey & Africa for SANS Institute.

Ned states: "The threat landscape continues to evolve following the onset of the pandemic, the rise of hybrid working environments, and the increasing use of technology to boost productivity and business performance. As a result, it’s vital that businesses, whether they are governmental entities or enterprises, take steps to protect their staff, data, and infrastructure by continually training their cybersecurity professionals, so they can detect threats and prevent cyber-attacks."

If you'd like to speak with Ned and the team to learn how SANS can support your cybersecurity training needs within the region, please contact us via the button below.
GIAC Security

Skills Validation – GIAC Certifications

Many of the SANS courses align to Global Information Assurance Certification (GIAC) examinations. The GIAC validates the skills of information security professionals, proving that those certified have the deep skills and technical knowledge necessary to work in key areas of cybersecurity.


Cyber Reskilling Program Bahrain

The Cyber Reskilling Program Bahrain aims to meet the widening demand for skilled cybersecurity practitioners. Through intensive training, the program creates GIAC certified professionals, ready to be deployed into junior cybersecurity roles in just eight weeks.

The Cyber Reskilling Program Bahrain is designed to prepare successful applicants for security roles by introducing them to key cybersecurity principles and techniques across three SANS courses. Our students are taught using material from SANS’ training courses, through real-life, practical simulations and team exercises.

Find Your Course

Our cybersecurity courses are developed by industry leaders in numerous fields including cyber security training, network security, forensics, audit, security leadership, and application security. Courses are taught by real-world practitioners who are the best at ensuring you not only learn the material, but that you can apply it immediately when you return to the office.

SANS Security Awareness

SANS Security Awareness, a division of the SANS Institute, provides organisations with a complete and comprehensive security awareness solution, enabling them to easily and effectively manage their human cybersecurity risk.

What Do Students Say About Their SANS Training Experience?

I really had a great time doing SEC660. Brandon McCrillis is an amazing teacher and the learning materials and exercises were great. A nice add-on that I didn't expect was the two evenings of Netwars.
Bryan Onel
- Oneleet
I really enjoyed being able to view and review the video. The OnDemand classes are great. This course works very well with my schedule and allows me to learn at my own pace.
Rob Strawley
Having an SME instructor with tons of real-world experience makes the course material easy to digest, and the Live Online platform is the best platform I've experienced!
Jeremy Swanson
- ManTech