SANS DoD8140 Foundational Resources

Here is a list of foundational resources that SANS has put together to meet the knowledge-based areas of the US Department of Defense 8140 initiative and the NICE Framework. Most SANS courses are focused on the tasks and skills of the NICE Framework with the SANS promise that you can apply what you learn in the classroom immediately in the workplace. These resources provide a great foundation on knowledge areas so you can enjoy the real-world classroom environment taught by our top practitioners on the first day of training.

Free Resources

DoD Soldier Computer

SANS Cyber Aces

Come away with a solid foundation for building a career in cybersecurity developed from our library of professional development curriculum, SANS Cyber Aces, is a free online course that teaches the core concepts needed to assess and protect cyber security systems.

Module 1 – Operating Systems

Module 2 – Networking

Module 3 – System Administration

The ABCs of Cybersecurity

A glossary of cybersecurity terminology that will help you quickly get up to speed on the industry’s terms and meanings.

Security Policy Templates

In collaboration with cyber security subject-matter experts and leaders who volunteered their security policy know-how and time, SANS has developed a set of security policy templates for your use.

SANS Cyber Security Webinars

SANS Cyber Security webinars are live and recorded web broadcasts combining knowledgeable speakers with presentation slides including cybersecurity and IT essentials.

SANS Information Security White Papers

Features white papers on focus areas including cybersecurity and IT Essentials.