AWS Configuration Bug in Application Load Balancer
A critical configuration bug in AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) when used for authentication could be exploited to gain unauthorized access to resources and exfiltrate data. The issue was detected by researchers from Miggo Research, who have dubbed the issue ALBeast. Miggo Research reported the issue to AWS in April. AWS has published a document, 'Security best practices when using ALB authentication,' which both offers advice and refers to the AWS Shared Responsibility Model for security and compliance.
Editor's Note
This AWS Load Balancer issue is similar to the Confused Deputy problem. This stems from the fact that many cloud services are shared between customers. Given a configuration that is not restrictive enough, you end up in this very strange situation where if the load balancer works for you, it will also work for everyone else, allowing the check of authentication to pass no matter where it is. This tends to be one of those difficult bugs because the onus is on everyone else, not Amazon, to fix the issue. How do they notify affected customers, and should they? This is a tricky one.
Moses Frost
Secure configuration of enterprise assets and software is a critical security control. The CIS Community Defense Model documented that establishing and maintaining a secure configuration process (CIS CSC 4) is a safeguard for all five attack types discussed in the defense model. This includes cloud-based assets, for which CIS offers an AWS Foundations Benchmark. Download the benchmark for specific configuration guidance. https://www.cisecurity.org/controls: CIS Critical Security Controls¨
Curtis Dukes
'Cyclomatic complexity' as measured in metrics like McCabe Complexity in the late 70s/80s proved that 'spaghetti code' (high complexity caused by many paths needing to be tested) inevitably had more errors than low complexity code. Today's equivalent is 'spaghetti code as a service' or maybe we should call in the 'spaghetti cloud' as 35 different services with hundreds of calls back and forth are used to complete a transaction. Software testing tools are starting to evolve in this direction but bad guys and smart pen testers (and bug bounty chasers) are finding the gaps.
John Pescatore
With cloud services, or any other hosted service, you need to follow the providerÕs security best practices to ensure you're not leaving yourself vulnerable. It's also a good idea to understand what they are doing to ensure their service is secure. What's harder is that you need to watch for updates to these practices, and yeah, adjust accordingly. If you can't sign up for proactive notifications, make a calendar reminder to check regularly. If you haven't verified your ALB authentication configuration recently against best practices, today's a good day.
Lee Neely
Miggo: ALBeast Security Advisory by Miggo Research
AWS: Security best practices when using ALB authentication
AWS: Shared Responsibility Model
Wired: An AWS Configuration Issue Could Expose Thousands of Web Apps
SC Magazine: 'ALBeast' load balancer flaw may affect 15,000 Amazon Web Services apps