Amber Coster

Before launching her own business, Amber helped take a technology company from a $100m valuation through to $3.7bn acquisition and the M&A integration, experiencing a [glorious] mental breakdown along the way. Learning from this journey and determined to help prevent others reach this same fate, Balpro helps organisations grow, but not at the cost of their employees. Balpro is born from The Balance Project and has been featured in The Times, BBC and the Evening Standard. Most recently, Amber worked with Channel 5 News to deliver a week of daily mental health tips.

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Headshot of Amber Coster


Before launching her own business, Amber helped take a technology company from a $100m valuation through to $3.7bn acquisition and the M&A integration, experiencing a [glorious] mental breakdown along the way. Learning from this journey and determined to help prevent others reach this same fate, Balpro helps organisations grow, but not at the cost of their employees. Balpro is born from The Balance Project and has been featured in The Times, BBC and the Evening Standard. Most recently, Amber worked with Channel 5 News to deliver a week of daily mental health tips.