BJ Fogg

BJ is a behavior scientist, with deep experience in innovation and teaching. At Stanford University he has directed a research lab for over 20 years. BJ also teaches his models and methods in special Stanford courses each year.

More About BJ


BJ is a behavior scientist, with deep experience in innovation and teaching. At Stanford University he has directed a research lab for over 20 years. BJ also teaches his models and methods in special Stanford courses each year.

On the industry side, BJ trains innovators to use his work so they can create solutions that influence behavior for good. The focus areas include health, sustainability, financial wellbeing, learning, productivity, and more.

In 2002, he published a book entitled, Persuasive Technology, about how computers can be designed to influence attitudes and behaviors. At the time of publication this book was mostly ignored. Now, almost 20 years later, his predictions and warnings about persuasive technology were surprisingly accurate.

Fortune Magazine named him a "New Guru You Should Know" for his insights about mobile and social networks.

In 2009 his research interests moved away from persuasive technology toward human behavior in general, especially health habits. This led to creating a new set of models and methods that comprise what he calls “Behavior Design.” In January of 2020 he shared 300 pages of new and practical uses for Behavior Design in my New York Times Bestselling book Tiny Habits.

Today he devotes about 50% of my time to Stanford and 50% to industry teaching & innovation. For BJ, working in both worlds makes sense: His Stanford work makes him better in industry. And what he learns in industry improves his Stanford research.