Bram Martin

Bram Martin specializes in Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT). With his team of instructors at Aware Online, he annually trains investigators and analysts from the public and private sector to become Certified Open Source Investigator®, Certified Open Source Intelligence Specialist® and Certified Open Source Intelligence Expert®. In addition, Bram is hired by various organizations for both operational and strategic issues in the field of OSINT.

More About Bram


  • Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT)


Bram Martin specializes in Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT). With his team of instructors at Aware Online, he annually trains investigators and analysts from the public and private sector to become Certified Open Source Investigator®, Certified Open Source Intelligence Specialist® and Certified Open Source Intelligence Expert®. In addition, Bram is hired by various organizations for both operational and strategic issues in the field of OSINT.