Brian Lozada

Brian Lozada is the Director of Games, Media & Entertainment Security at Amazon. He has more than 15 years of experience developing and maintaining information security programs for some of the world’s top brands.

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Brian Lozada is the Director of Games, Media & Entertainment Security at Amazon. He has more than 15 years of experience developing and maintaining information security programs for some of the world’s top brands.  Prior to joining Amazon, he served as a CISO at HBO Max. Previously, he served as Chief Information Security Officer at Zocdoc and Condé Nast, Worldwide Manager of Information Security at Sony Music Entertainment, and headed information security at Vonage. Brian currently advises several venture capital firms and cybersecurity startups. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Information Security and a Master of Science in Homeland Security from Monmouth University. He also holds a Master of Business Administration from Villanova University in Pennsylvania and is a certified CISSP.