Bruce Large

Bruce has 15 years experience working with IT and OT in network, telecommunications and system engineering roles. Bruce has worked in Electricity Generation & Transmission, Railway, Aviation, Emergency Services and Consulting industries. Bruce considers himself a security architecture enthusiast as well as an infrastructure tourist. 

More About Bruce
Headshot of Bruce Large


Bruce has 15 years experience working with IT and OT in network, telecommunications and system engineering roles. Bruce has worked in Electricity Generation & Transmission, Railway, Aviation, Emergency Services and Consulting industries. Bruce considers himself a security architecture enthusiast as well as an infrastructure tourist. 

He is a Foundation Chartered SABSA Architect (SCF), holds the GIAC Response and Industrial Defense (GRID) certificate and has attended Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Cyber Security training at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT).

He holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Telecommunications) First Class Honours and a Master of Business (Applied Finance) with Distinction