Darren Tidwell

Darren has spent longer than he likes to admit in the technology industry on both sides of the customer/vendor fence. He got his start at Sun Microsystems Laboratories operating networks for the likes of Whit Diffie and Radia Perlman, eventually growing to an Internet and datacenter architect by the time he left Oracle. Embarking on a new career as a Sales Engineer, having the “customer’s perspective” proved invaluable for helping customers find practical solutions to real world problems. Becoming fascinated by the new approaches to old problems that “The Cloud” enabled, he found his way to Axis Security where he evangelized and sold Security Service Edge (SSE) as the next evolution in secure application access. After the HPE Aruba acquisition of Axis in 2023, he continues to promote, advocate, and of course, sell HPE Aruba Networking SSE.  When away from keyboard, Darren spends his time with his family, a large pack of labradoodles and perpetually renovating a 100+ year old home in Northern California.”

Headshot of Darren Tidwell