Julia Bayer

Julia Bayer is an investigative journalist, innovation manager and trainer at Deutsche Welle. At DW’s Investigative unit she is diving deep online collecting publicly available sources to uncover the (in)visible using OSINT. Before that she researched and verified UGC for (breaking) news at DW´s Social Media Newsroom.

More About Julia


Julia Bayer is an investigative journalist, innovation manager and trainer at Deutsche Welle. At DW’s Investigative unit she is diving deep online collecting publicly available sources to uncover the (in)visible using OSINT. Before that she researched and verified UGC for (breaking) news at DW´s Social Media Newsroom.
At DW´s Research and Cooperation unit, she is involved in verification projects like Truly Media, InVid/WeVerify and Digger-Deepfake detection. Together with her team she developed an interactive training site to sharpen your senses for detecting deepfakes.
For the DW Academy and other media organisations and NGOs, she travels around the world training journalists in OSINT techniques and digital verification.
Julia is the founder of @quiztime. It is about little quizzes to train and strengthen your verification and geolocation skills on your own or in a team. Since she started around four years ago a number of journalists and verification enthusiasts have joined. They provide every day new challenges.
Julia approaches the combination of traditional journalism and OSINT in innovative research skills and storytelling ideas. She has experience in covering in-depth investigations using large datasets and leaks, visual analyses as well as covering breaking news stories. Two years ago she joined the Investigation unit at Deutsche Welle. Since then, she published Investigations about the systematic repression and imprisonment of the Muslim Uighur minority in Xinjiang, pushbacks against refugees and the military coup in Myanmar. Julia is also focusing on environmental misconduct and corruption.
Julia speaks German, English and Spanish.