Martin Valle

Martin Valle is a cybersecurity professional at Southern California Edison (SCE) who has transferred his background in training and development to cybersecurity education. Martin’s primary mission is to equip users with the knowledge to stay safe online and protect company data.

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Martin Valle is a cybersecurity professional at Southern California Edison (SCE) who has transferred his background in training and development to cybersecurity education. Martin’s primary mission is to equip users with the knowledge to stay safe online and protect company data. His expertise includes identifying and assessing cyber vulnerabilities and trends within and outside of the organization, simplifying cyber concepts for end-users, and developing training material and phishing simulations for enterprise-wide use. Martin has successfully developed and deployed strategic role-based courses to several key groups within SCE, significantly improving awareness and lowering their risk profile. In addition, he is responsible for developing and maintaining SCE’s enterprise-wide cyber training (28K+ users). As a member of the SCE Cyber Awareness team, he regularly presents to SCE employee audiences of 10-250 users, both in-person and virtually, with the goal of enhancing cybersecurity awareness across the company.