Michael James

Michael James is the owner of Wildcard Industries LLC. Senior Security OSINT Architect for National Indemnity Company. Mr. James is also a founding member of the OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) Curious Project, a non-profit organization that broadly promotes the use of Open Source Intelligence.

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  • Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT)


Michael James is the owner of Wildcard Industries LLC. Senior Security OSINT Architect for National Indemnity Company. Mr. James is also a founding member of the OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) Curious Project, a non-profit organization that broadly promotes the use of Open Source Intelligence. Michael has been using OSINT techniques since 2003 for the Financial Services sector. He took the dive into cybersecurity in 2015. His best-loved research areas include data breaches, deep/dark web, Web3 and corporate intelligence.