Nathan Chung

Autistic adult with ADHD and leader of the WiCyS (Women in Cybersecurity) Neurodiversity group. Winner of the 2020 Ally of the Year award, I advocate for diversity and inclusion, women in cyber/tech/STEM, and Neurodiversity. I also serve on the board for IGNITE Worldwide and I host the NeuroSec podcast to flip the script on Neurodiversity.

More About Nathan


Autistic adult with ADHD and leader of the WiCyS (Women in Cybersecurity) Neurodiversity group. Winner of the 2020 Ally of the Year award, I advocate for diversity and inclusion, women in cyber/tech/STEM, and Neurodiversity. I also serve on the board for IGNITE Worldwide and I host the NeuroSec podcast to flip the script on Neurodiversity.