Teresa Thomas

Teresa Thomas is The MITRE Corporation’s Program Lead for Neurodiverse Talent Enablement, where she is designing and leading the MITRE Federal Neurodiverse Cyber Workforce Program as well as spearheading MITRE's neurodiversity co-op program, both focused on providing opportunities for autistic individuals in cybersecurity and other high-tech roles.

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Teresa Thomas is The MITRE Corporation’s Program Lead for Neurodiverse Talent Enablement and has a long history of advocacy for neurodiverse populations. She has been a house parent in a group home for adults with high support needs, is now a parent of an adult on the autism spectrum and is active in the MITRE Corporation's Inclusion and Diversity programs.

Teresa is designing and leading the MITRE Federal Neurodiversity Cyber Workforce Program as well as spearheading MITRE's neurodiversity co-op program, both focused on providing opportunities for autistic individuals in cybersecurity and other high-tech roles.