10 Quick Win, Industry Agnostic SIEM Dashboards

  • Thursday, 10 Mar 2016 3:00PM EST (10 Mar 2016 20:00 UTC)
  • Speaker: Craig Bowser

Dashboards are a critical capability of a Security Information Event Monitor (SIEM) as they are able to display the near real time status of the health, operational availability, security posture and compliance level of networks of all sizes. While there are numerous papers, blog posts and examples of dashboards that provide deep insights, specific security alerts or complicated compliance metrics for your network, I wanted to create a list of dashboards that provided a solid starting point for Security Operation Centers to use when they installed their first SIEM. These are suggested quick-win, industry-agnostic dashboards which were chosen because of their ease of implementation and simple graphical presentation that provide SOC personnel an initial view into the security posture of a network.

SOC Summit & Training

Build the Skills and the Team to Rock your SOC at the SOC Summit & Training, May 19-26, 2016 in Crystal City, VA.

The Summit will present case studies to help you identify gaps in your SOC, use threat intelligence effectively, and develop meaningful metrics to define the success of your SOC. You'll also learn how to identify and retain the talent you need to help your SOC evolve along with the dynamic threat landscape.