Fall Cyber Solutions Fest 2024: Zero Trust

In an era where cyber threats constantly evolve and the boundaries of organizations become increasingly porous, the principle of "Never Trust, Always Verify" has become more relevant than ever. The Zero Trust Solutions Forum 2024 aims to bring together top industry vendors to shed light on the newest developments, technologies, and best practices in the realm of Zero Trust. Participants will gain invaluable insights into:

  • Emerging Technologies: Discover the latest tools and solutions that fortify security postures, enhancing the ability to identify, authenticate, and authorize access dynamically.
  • Integration Strategies: Learn how modern Zero Trust platforms can be seamlessly integrated with existing infrastructures, ensuring that security doesn’t impede functionality.
  • Case Studies: Leading vendors will present real-world scenarios where Zero Trust architectures have made a difference, providing a practical perspective on its benefits and challenges.
  • Anticipating the next move: Delve into the future of Zero Trust, understanding where the industry is headed and how to prepare for the security challenges of tomorrow.
  • Networking Opportunities: Engage in rich dialogues with peers, thought leaders, and vendors, creating an ecosystem for shared learning and collaboration.

Whether you are an IT professional, cybersecurity enthusiast, or a decision-maker looking to fortify your organization’s security posture, this track will equip you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the dynamic landscape of cybersecurity. Join Ismael Valenzuela, author and lead instructor of SANS Security 530, as we explore what are the most successful strategies and opportunities for implementing Zero Trust in 2024.

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