OT Network Visibility and Detective Controls in a NERC CIP World

NERC CIP is complicated.

Integrating solutions into your CIP program is complex. Demonstrating compliance in a zero-deficiency regulatory sector is challenging. Going beyond compliance in pursuit of expanded cybersecurity capabilities and innovative emerging solutions in ICS environments can be confusing.

How do you determine the most appropriate operation technology solutions for your NERC CIP program? Are there unique operating models that make certain solutions better than others?

In this webcast, SANS Instructor Tim Conway and Dragos Cyber Risk Advisor Jason Christopher look at the NERC CIP standards and explore how to balance technology implementations for resilient operations, cybersecurity, and compliance benefits. Attendees will learn how to integrate solutions into their CIP programs that help drive detection and incident response actions.

Be among the first to receive the associated whitepaper written by Tim Conway.

