Everything is a file. Or is it?

  • Wednesday, 10 Jul 2024 11:00AM AEST (10 Jul 2024 01:00 UTC)
  • Speaker: Jonathan Reiter

When developing an implant in C/C++ for Windows, there will come a time when you must implement some kind of directory enumeration capability. There are several methods that can help you achieve this and this workshop will talk about a few and implement one of them using Windows APIs.

** Please Note: This session is a two-hour workshop and participation in the event requires certain host system prerequisites.

Host system requirements:

  • Intel or AMD64 CPU i5 or better
  • 16GB of RAM or better (32GB preferred)
  • 100GB of free HD space or more
  • Windows 10 Host or a Windows 10 VM
  • Visual Studio 2022 Community
    • or Visual Studio 2019 Community
  • Must have the C/C++ package installed
    • This will bring in the SDK and give you the ability to create desktop/console programs