Hands-on Digital Forensics: Exploring Evidence with Mounted Images

  • Friday, 02 Aug 2024 1:00PM EDT (02 Aug 2024 17:00 UTC)
  • Speaker: Kathryn Hedley

Part 5 of 6

This hands-on workshop equips you with a key skill in digital forensics: mounting and exploring forensic disk images. Uncover the secrets hidden within digital evidence! Through interactive exercises, you'll learn to navigate a bit-for-bit copy of a storage device using both Windows and Linux tools by viewing the evidence from different angles. This workshop is your gateway to understanding how digital forensics professionals extract valuable information from digital devices.

Background Information

This hands-on series cracks the code on digital evidence. Designed for beginners, you'll unlock the secrets hidden within devices, from understanding data storage to interpreting timestamps. Learn to extract critical evidence, navigate forensic images, and convert between data formats. Whether you're in law enforcement, IT security, or simply curious about the digital world, this series empowers you to become a digital detective.

Register for all parts in the series:

Part 1: Demystifying Data: Hands-on Data Conversion Between Binary, Hexadecimal, Decimal, and ASCII

Part 2: Beyond File Names: Decoding the Secrets of Files with Signatures & Metadata

Part 3: Data Carving: Recovering Hidden Files from Digital Graveyards

Part 4: Decoding Time: Understanding Endianness and Timestamp Formats

Part 6: Demystifying Base64: A Detailed Beginner's Guide to Encoding and Decoding