Improving Developer Security Maturity: How to Stop Repeating Common Mistakes

  • Tuesday, 24 Oct 2023 6:30PM JST (24 Oct 2023 09:30 UTC)
  • Speaker: Pieter Danhieux

Developers work hard to make amazing software, with lots of features that people like. Functionality and speed are their priority, with security seen as the responsibility of the AppSec team. When they ship their code, everything seems perfect. But then, a security expert finds a problem. They say the software has a security risk and can't be launched as is. And too often, their advice for fixing it doesn't fit with the tools and methods the development team has been using.

Many developers feel frustrated when they have to deal with security issues. They think security gets in the way of making great software, and doing it quickly. But in this age of digital transformation, security is very important and should never be ignored.

When properly trained, developers are key to reducing common vulnerabilities, and they can share the responsibility for security best practices in an organization. This session will discuss data collected from the results of 100,000 developers playing code-based security challenges, showcasing the current landscape of developers and their security skills, as well as where there is room for improvement.

Security expert and CEO & Co-Founder of Secure Code Warrior will reveal:

  • Why security training has failed developers in the past, and what we can do differently today
  • Why "starting left" is the key to solving recurrent code-level vulnerabilities
  • How developers can be the heart of your security program
  • Lessons learned from 100,000+ developers playing code-based security challenges.






セキュリティ技術の専門家であり、Secure Code WarrirorのCEO、共同創設者のPieterが、以下のトピックについて説明します。

  • なぜセキュリティトレーニングはこれまで開発者の期待を裏切ってきたのか、それに対して現在のトレーニングでは何が改善されているのか
  • なぜ「Shift Left」が頻発するコードレベルの脆弱性を解決する鍵になるのか
  • 開発者がセキュリティプログラムの中心となる方法
  • 10万人以上の開発者がコードベースのセキュリティチャレンジに取り組んだことによって得た教訓