How to Manage the Shift to Cloud Security

  • Tuesday, 08 Dec 2020 1:00PM EST (08 Dec 2020 18:00 UTC)
  • Speakers: Dave Shackleford, Tom Clare

The COVID pandemic has accelerated the already growing movement toward remote work and untethered access to enterprise information. With this shift has come increased vitals to high-risk apps and sites, more use of collaboration apps, and a big increase in cloud-based malware delivery.

Enter SASE (secure access service edge), a network architecture that combines WAN capabilities with cloud-based security functions. SASE can deliver continuous reporting and analytics on data, cloud apps, users, and threats from cloud metadata.Through a series of use cases, this webcast will demonstrate how SASE works to handle:

  • Unintended/unapproved data movement
  • Cloud DLP and ML anomaly detection for data-in-motion for cloud and web traffic.
  • Cloud-enabled web and SaaS threats
  • And more!

Join SANS analyst/author/instructor Dave Shackleford and a representative from Netskope as they discuss how to get started with SASE, specifically by using the next generation SWG (secure web gateway).

Register today and be among the first to receive the associated whitepaper written by Dave Shackleford.

