Navigating the App Sec Alert Overload: Strategies for Effective Application Security Monitoring

In the world of application security, the influx of alerts has reached overwhelming levels, making it increasingly challenging to effectively monitor and respond. This surge in alerts often leads to unresolved issues and persistent vulnerabilities. Are we sounding the alert too frequently? Is there a way to strike a balance between reducing the noise and maintaining robust security?

In this webinar, we bring together industry experts to delve into these pressing questions. Our esteemed panelists include James Berthoy, Sr. Cloud Security Engineer at PagerDuty, and Gal Elbaz, a seasoned security researcher (formerly at Check Point) and Co-founder & CTO of Oligo Security. Together, they will share insights, strategies, and best practices for taming the alert overload while ensuring a strong security posture.

Join us for this thought-provoking discussion as we explore practical approaches to navigate the crowded landscape of appsec alerts and safeguard your applications effectively. Register now to secure your spot!

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