Part 3 - Ctrl+Alt+Comply: Application Provider Perspective

  • Wednesday, 21 Aug 2024 1:00PM EST (21 Aug 2024 17:00 UTC)
  • Speakers: Tim Conway, Robin Berthier, Ruston Johnson, Thomas Peterson

The third webinar in this six-part series will feature application providers discussing the pros and cons of offering cloud-based solutions to NERC entities. These providers will share their decision-making processes, focusing on how they navigate cloud deployment while acknowledging their customers' need for NERC CIP compliance. They will highlight how they listen to and incorporate customer concerns, adopting innovative approaches to balance security, regulatory requirements, and customer demands. The presenters will provide perspectives from solution providers big and small, views from providers with an electric sector or energy focus, and those working across a broad range of customer markets.


This webcast is part 3 of a 6-part NERC CIP in the Cloud series. Register all parts in the series: