Protecting DNS: Securing Your Internet Address Book

  • Thursday, 13 Nov 2014 1:00PM EST (13 Nov 2014 18:00 UTC)
  • Speakers: John Pescatore, Cricket Liu

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a critical protocol in internet communications and it is increasingly being focused on by hackers to launch advanced targeted attacks. Securing DNS assets is often overlooked in organizations ' efforts to protect IT infrastructures, since most legacy security technologies do not address the DNS security gap. As a result, man in the middle attacks and denial of service attacks that severely impact business are common ' but are also easily avoidable.

To change the present situation, network, data center and security experts as well as practitioners and executives need a better understanding of this threat and techniques to combat it.

This webcast will provide an overview of DNS, identify DNS risks, highlight real world DNS attacks and use the Critical Security Controls as a starting point to address these risks.

View the associated whitepaper.