SANS 2022 Cloud Security Survey

  • Tuesday, 15 Mar 2022 1:00PM EDT (15 Mar 2022 17:00 UTC)
  • Speakers: Dave Shackleford, Chris Borales (Gigamon), Bernard Brantley (Corelight),, Carrie McDaniel (ExtraHop), Nick Fisher (Sysdig)

The state of cloud security is evolving. Many organizations are implementing new and more advanced cloud security services that offer cloud-focused controls and capabilities, including services and tools that provide network connectivity and security for end users and office locations, security monitoring and policy controls, and identity services, among others.

The SANS 2022 Cloud Security Survey explores the types of services organizations are using, what types of controls and tools provide the most value, and how effective cloud security brokering is for a range of use cases. The survey focuses on:

  • Cloud security skills gaps and requirements
  • Cloud security automation
  • Cloud security operations guardrails, tools, and processes
  • Cloud security threats and incidents

Register for this webcast and receive the associated paper written by SANS senior instructor Dave Shackleford here.

What can you expect?
New for 2022 we are excited to have Dave Shackleford joined by a panel of industry experts for a live, information packed 2-hour event you don’t want to miss.

  • Dave Shackleford will review and discuss insights from the 2022 Cloud Security Survey key findings
  • Industry leaders will present expert strategies and actionable recommendations
  • Panel discussion with live Q&A to answer your questions

Join the SANS Analyst Program interactive Slack workspace and you can connect live with SANS authors and sponsor speakers, have a chance to win prizes and network with other attendees.

Join once and you're set for this event and all Analyst program survey events in 2022!



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Agenda | 1:00 PM - 2:35 PM EST



1:00 PM

Welcome & Opening Remarks

Dave Shackleford, SANS Instructor & Subject Matter Expert

1:05 PM

2022 Cloud Survey Results Review

1:35 PM

Corelight Session Details Coming Soon!!

1:50 PM

How to Defend Your Cloud Without Friction

The complexity of the cloud technology landscape creates a perfect place for attackers to hide and can serve as an ideal launchpad for attacks. Join us to learn why a prevent and protect approach can’t keep up with advanced threats and how you can implement a post-compromise defense strategy.

Carrie McDaniel, Senior Product Marketing Manager, ExtraHop

2:05 PM

Ensuring Visibility Across the Modern Networking Landscape

The inherent complexity of hybrid and multi-cloud environments can lead to security blind spots and application performance issues that can slow cloud migration, adoption and increase security risks. You should seek out solutions that directly address these issues combining existing security, performance and observability tools with network-level intelligence and visibility to secure your cloud instances.

Chris Borales, Senior Product Marketing Manager, ThreatINSIGHT and Security Solutions at Gigamon

2:20 PM

Cloud and Container Security
Cloud and containers are being adopted by a broad set of organizations as they try to maintain a competitive advantage. In our recent Cloud-Native Security and Usage Report, we found that 75% of containers in the cloud have vulnerabilities! Security and capacity planning are ever-present obstacles to running a well-tuned and more secure environment, no matter where you are in your journey. We identified critical insights and best practices, based on real-time data from billions of containers living in multiple clouds, and we’re eager to share. Join us to evaluate the maturity of your cloud-native infrastructure.

In this presentation we will cover:

• The latest trends in container and Kubernetes adoption
• Whether shifting security left is really working
• Why so many vulnerabilities make it to production
• Best practices for improving your security posture

Pawan Shankar, Director of Product Marketing at Sysdig

2:35 PM

Panel Discussion with Audience Q&A
Dave Shackleford, SANS Senior Instructor & Subject Matter Expert
Speaker Announced Soon
, Corelight
Carrie McDaniel
, Senior Product Marketing Manager at ExtraHop
Chris Borales
, Senior Product Marketing Manager for ThreatINSIGHT and Security Solutions at Gigamon
Pawan Shankar
, Director of Product Marketing at Sysdig