SANS Offensive Operations - Baltimore 2024: Keynote - An Exclusive Fireside Chat: From Military Life to Cyber Professional

Meet the Speakers:

• Jonathan Reiter, Senior Master Sergeant (E8) & Certified Instructor: With years of experience in military cyber operations, Jonathan brings invaluable insights into the skills and discipline honed in the service and how they translate into success in the private sector.

• Christopher Elgee, Certified Instructor & Senior Security Analyst, Counter Hack: A seasoned instructor with a deep understanding of offensive cyber tactics, Christopher will share his journey from military duty to becoming a leading voice in cybersecurity education and practice.

• Jon Gorenflo, Principal Instructor: As a former military cyber professional now excelling in the civilian world, Jon offers a unique perspective on the transition process, the challenges faced, and the opportunities available.

What You'll Learn:

• The parallels between military and private sector cyber roles

• How military experience can provide a solid foundation for a cybersecurity career

• Tips and advice on transitioning from military service to the civilian cyber industry

• Answers to your burning questions about leveraging military skills in the cyber realm

Why Attend?

• Inspiration: Hear firsthand stories of transformation and success.

• Insight: Gain practical advice on making your own career shift.

• Connection: Network with like-minded professionals and expand your support system.

Engage in a dynamic discussion and leave with a clearer path to your future in cybersecurity.

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