SANS Secure Your Fortress: 2024's Top Defense Strategies and Trends

Join us at the forefront of cybersecurity at "SANS Secure Your Fortress: 2024's Top Defense Strategies and Trends!"

Embark on a transformative journey through the latest advancements in cybersecurity. Whether you are a cybersecurity veteran or new to the field, this event is tailored to elevate your defensive capabilities to new heights.

Innovative Strategies: Engage with pioneering thinkers and leading practitioners as they unveil cutting-edge strategies and tools that are setting new standards in cyber defense. Experience how these developments are dynamically changing the security landscape.

Practical Skills: Each session, crafted by our seasoned experts, focuses on clear, actionable knowledge. Gain valuable skills and practical insights that you can apply immediately, enhancing your proficiency regardless of your experience level.

Emerging Trends: Stay ahead with a first look at emerging trends and technologies. From sophisticated AI defenses to advanced approaches in Zero Trust architecture, discover the future of cybersecurity.

Strengthen Your Defenses: Learn effective, trustworthy techniques to secure your networks and digital assets. These comprehensive sessions are designed to build resilient and robust defense mechanisms you can rely on.

Interactive Demos: Witness the power of the newest cybersecurity technologies through live demonstrations, giving you a hands-on understanding of the tools at your disposal.

Inspiring Talks: Get inspired by our lineup of SANS course authors and instructors as they share their insights and visions for securing the digital future.

"SANS Secure Your Fortress" isn't just a webcast; it's a commitment to stay ahead in cybersecurity. Join us from anywhere in the world and be part of shaping the future of cyber defense.

Register today to ensure you don’t miss out!

Agenda to come but talks to look forward to include:

APT Takedown: The 2024 Blueprint for Cyber Victory

John Hubbard

2024 cyber news has been filled with stories of highly complex compromises that involve living off the land, network infrastructure compromise, and complex cloud-native breach techniques. What are defenders to do? Do we have any chance at detecting and stopping in these attacks? Of course we do! It won't be easy, but this is YOUR turf, and you have the advantage...if you know how to use it. With a strong understanding of defense fundamentals, attack methods, the right data sources, and some grit, your cyber defense team can go head to head with APTs and come out on top!

The SBOM Makeover

Tony Turner

Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) are increasingly being used in software supply chain security to provide transparency and support vulnerability identification and remediation. But SBOMs are only as good as the data they contain, and not all tools provide beautiful results.

In this presentation we will highlight the attributes of high quality SBOMs, what makes them beautiful (useful) and how tools are supporting these use cases or failing to deliver value. We will explore how you can evaluate SBOM quality yourself to understand the maturity of your suppliers' process or to evaluate the capabilities of SBOM tools you are considering acquiring. Lastly, we will look at how you can enrich your own SBOMs, including use cases your tools might not even support.

This will be a technical foray into the topic of SBOM quality and enrichment suitable for cybersecurity, product and software architects and engineers tasked with producing or analyzing SBOMs, as well as the managers who oversee this work. We hope you are ready for a SBOM Makeover!

Encrypted DNS Developments

Andy Laman

Over the last couple of years, there have been several new standards for natively encrypting DNS traffic. DoT, DoH, DoQ - What are these new acronyms, what is the difference, and why should you care? Let's answer these questions and, well, also look at some packets.

The Python Security Pickle

Mark Baggett

In this presentation, we're diving into the world of Python and its tool called pickle, which helps save and load data easily. First, we'll explore how pickle makes it simple to store information and share it between different parts of a program. But here's the exciting (and a bit scary) part: pickle has a big security flaw because it can run any code when loading data, which can be dangerous. We'll show some eye-opening examples of how hackers can use this flaw to run harmful code on your computer. By seeing these real-life demos, you'll understand the risks and tricks hackers use. At the end, we'll share some cool tips and tricks to keep your programs safe, making sure you use the best tools and practices to avoid these sneaky threats. Get ready for a thrilling journey into the world of Python security!