The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many organizations to quickly jump into increased or even first-time dependence on remote work, often relying on teleconferencing and collaboration products that they had never used before. Zoom in particular has seen huge growth in use by businesses, governments, schools and just about everyone else.
Attackers noticed this trend and rapidly began to exploit vulnerabilities and missing security features in Zoom's services. Zoom's CEO apologized and redirected Zoom to focus completely on security vs. new features and since then Zoom has released a stream of software upgrades and more security features. Recently, Zoom made its first acquisition, an encryption key management firm. But enterprise security questions have many questions around how much progress has Zoom really made in raising the bar in security and what will it be doing from here?
In this SANS webinar, Director of Emerging Security Trends John Pescatore will interview Randy Barr, Head of Product Security a Zoom to get answers to those and other questions around current and future support for secure business use of Zoom as many business begin to transition to a mix of in office and at home operations. Join us in the webinar so to get a solid foundation for your planning long term support for secure teleconferencing and online collaboration.