We are super excited to announce that not only is the February edition of the OUCH! newsletter out, but OUCH! is now in a completely new format. Starting this month, the world’s most trusted security awareness newsletter is shorter, cleaner and more concise. Think less newsletter and more like a fact-sheet. In today’s high-tech world people have less and less time, they want to consume information in shorter sound bites. OUCH! has been redesigned to meet that need. In addition, OUCH! is now provided in both HTML and PDF format. OUCH! continues to be free and supported in multiple languages. Finally, the OUCH! newsletter will continue to use the same Creative Commons license it always has. This means you can continue to distribute OUCH! to family, friends or even as part of your security awareness program to your workforce. The only limitation is you cannot modify or sell OUCH!. You can find the new OUCH! newsletter and all past editions at its new home - https://www.sans.org/security-awareness/ouch-newsletter.
For February, we focus on mobile devices. Specifically, the top tips to using your mobile device safely and securely. Mobile devices are one of the most important technologies people use in their everyday lives. As such, this topic is a powerful way to engage your workforce, as you are helping them not only at work but in their personal lives. If you have any questions or feedback on the new OUCH! design, we would love to hear from you! Reach out to me at lspitzner@sans.org.