Purple Team Interactive Poster Walkthrough

Join SANS Purple Team courses author and Senior Instructor, Erik Van Buggenhout, and SANS Purple Team Ambassador and Principal Instructor, Jorge Orchilles, as they walk you through the new, innovative, and interactive Purple Team Poster. Download the poster ahead of time here: https://www.sans.org/posters/purple-concepts-bridging-the-gap/

A Purple Team is a collaboration between multiple information security skill sets, that means this webcast is for everyone: Cyber Threat Intelligence, Blue Team, and Red Team. Erik and Jorge will cover the basics of Purple Team to get you started on your journey. They will then walk you through how to navigate the interactive poster to find what you need, when you need it. The webcast will be packed with info on 3 different threat actors, how to emulate them, and how to detect and respond to their behaviors/TTPs.
