SANS Security Awareness Knowledge Assessment

The SANS Security Awareness Knowledge Assessment measures your learners’ cyber security knowledge.

What is a SANS Security Awareness Knowledge Assessment?

This assessment is based upon guidance from SANS Subject Matter Experts, instructors, and psychometricians on what a learner in today’s technical- driven environment should know, understand, and be able to demonstrate to properly protect themselves and their organization from known security risks. By identifying specific areas of risk or weakness that require the most attention, you can focus your training efforts on the learning activities that are most needed to guide and prepare learners to become successful within your organization.


Identify Areas for Improvement

The SANS Security Awareness Knowledge Assessment identifies gaps in your organization’s security awareness understanding in 8 core human risk areas. Walk away with defined learning objectives to provide specific, tailored training on the topics where your employees need more reinforcement.


Benchmark Risk Scores

Assign the Knowledge Assessment, conduct your security awareness program, and assign the Knowledge Assessment again. Have concrete metrics to determine the effectiveness of your training efforts.

Receive Expert Recommendations

In addition to establishing a baseline of your employees’ cybersecurity knowledge, you will also receive a report detailing your organization’s overall strengths and weaknesses, areas of risks, and recommended training.