AI Security Essentials Role-Based Training

Empower your workforce to securely unlock the full potential of AI

AI Training for your Entire Organization

Securely unlock the full potential of AI in your workplace with AI Security Essentials Role-Based Training. Designed for employees across all roles—from Marketing and Sales to HR and Engineering—the modules prepare your team to use AI technologies safely and effectively. Equip your staff with the essential knowledge and skills to navigate the complex landscape of AI, ensuring your company remains competitive and compliant in an AI-driven world.

Dan deBeaubien

Trusted, Expert-Led Training

Led by Dan deBeaubien, SANS Head of Innovation, AI Security Essentials Role-Based Training offers a comprehensive curriculum, structured into eight meticulously designed modules. This includes three foundational modules aimed at all employees and five specialized modules tailored to specific roles: Sales & Marketing, HR, Software Developers, Content Creators, and Leadership. Each module features an engaging AI avatar video introduction and concludes with a quiz to assess understanding and reinforce learning.

Give your workforce the AI training they need

As AI continues to redefine the workplace, this training helps all employees integrate AI into their daily work, by translating complex AI topics into relevant, short-format training modules designed for their role.
  • Understanding Artificial Intelligence (All personnel)
  • Prompt Engineering (All personnel)
  • Safe, Acceptable and Effective Usage of Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace (All personnel)
  • AI for Content Creators
  • AI for Software Developers
  • AI for Marketing and Sales Professionals
  • AI for Human Resource Professionals
  • Leadership: Understand and Managing AI Risks

Scalable Learning for Your Entire Organization

SCORM compliance brings seamless integration with any Learning Management System (LMS). Enjoy simplified deployment and tracking of training progress across departments, enhancing the learning experience and ensuring consistency in skills development.

Cultivate an AI-ready workforce with Security Essentials Role-Based Training